Immunity is your first line of defense!

Apricot Seeds With Immunity Boosting Nutrition Featuring...

  • Vitamin B17 & B15
  • Potent Antioxidants
  • Zinc, Vitamin E, and Omega 3’s
  • Certified No Pesticides or Herbicides
  • Grown in the USA!

Immune Boosting Vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 has been used for decades for its immune defense properties. Studies have shown that B17 may help boost immunity by slowing down the spread of illness throughout the body by killing harmful cells. A study published in the International Journal of Radiation and Biology found that vitamin B17 amygdalin stimulated the immune system by causing a statistically significant increase in the ability of a patient’s white blood cells to attack harmful cells.

Immune Boosting Vitamin B15

Russia has been the most progressive country using B15, believing it to be a very important nutrient treating a multitude of symptoms and diseases. Russian scientists have shown Pangamic Acid supplementation can reduce the buildup of lactic acid in athletes, and, thereby, lessen muscle fatigue and increase endurance. Hum, do you think this vitamin might assist with Fibromyalgia?

Help Your Immune System Fight Intruders with Antioxidants

Apricot seeds are loaded with antioxidants. Give your immune system an assist with apricot seeds, a great natural source of antioxidants. 

Zinc, Vitamin E and Omega 3 Immune System Boosters

Zinc, Vitamin E, and Omega 3s are required nutrition for general immune function and part of their nutritional value is in how they impact general immune function in the body. Apricot seeds are a great natural source for these nutrients.

USA Grown Apricot Seeds

Our guaranteed fresh apricot seeds are harvested from the best farms in California, renowned around the world for having the best climate and growing season to produce the best possible product. Our seeds are certified pesticide and herbicide-free and packaged in our certified organic facility in Central California.

Learn how changing one simple thing in your diet can help optimize your wellness.

Why Nutriseeds? So Many Reasons!

Certified no pesticide or herbicides

Our seeds are certified pesticide and herbicide-free and packaged in our certified organic facility in Central California. We lab test our seeds to check the levels of natural amygdalin to ensure our customers receive the best product we could possibly provide.

HeaRt Health

For those of us who are always wondering what types of nutrition can help combat the effects of aging and keep us healthy, apricot seeds have a loaded nutrition profile.

Superior Quality

Our guaranteed fresh apricot seeds are harvested from the best farms in California, renowned around the world for having the best climate and growing season to produce the best possible product. Apricot seeds grown outside of the US can expose you to poor quality, that's not acceptable to us.

Your Immune System

Staying healthy by optimizing your nutrition intake is one the easiest and most effective things we can do to keep our immune system functioning as it should.

Only BUy USA Grown Apricot Seeds

Don’t buy apricot seeds sourced from China or Turkey.

Our guaranteed fresh apricot seeds are harvested from the best farms in California, renowned around the world for having the best climate and growing season to produce the best possible product. Our seeds are certified pesticide and herbicide-free and packaged in our certified organic facility in Central California.

Frequently asked questions

Each seed contains about 20mg of Amygdalin in a California grown seed, as well as other important enzymes and Vitamins.

When starting a regimen with apricot seeds it is recommended to consume 3-5 seeds per day, and gradually increase your intake as desired.

As a dietary supplement take (2) capsules per day, one in the morning and one at night, unless otherwise instructed.

Yes, however they should be spread out at least one hour apart from each other. If you notice any unwanted side effects, discontinue or decrease the amount and then reintroduce more gradually.

Yes, many of our customers do by grinding up the seed and putting it in their pet’s food. Keep in mind your pet’s body weight and adjust accordingly, always check with your Veterinarian.

Why California Grown Apricot Seeds are the best in the World.

Did you know that California produces more than 85% of the Apricots grown in North America?

The sweetness in the taste and the richness in their flavor have a lot to do with the place they are grown in and the methods that are used to make them grow.  They are grown in a place called Central Valley, which was an inland sea, once upon a time.  It has the towering Sierras to its east and the coastal mountain range to its west.

The soil is alluvial, which is very fertile and rich in nutrients.  The melting snow of the Sierras provides the required water for these orchards.  There is a marvelous system of canals in place to bring this water from the mountains.Central Valley is truly the best place to grow Apricots,  Not just the soil; even the weather is very conducive for the growth of Apricots.  While the chill of the winter increases the productivity of the apricot trees, the spring ensures all the blooms get pollinated by millions of bees that visit these orchards.

After being picked by hand (there is still no system for picking the precious fruit by machine) the Apricots are separated into the fruit and the pit. The fruit is sent through various processes including, canning, drying or sent off to be turned into a multitude of Apricot products.  The wet pit inside which is left over is then taken to a drying yard and air dried (and never heated)  to insure the highest content of nutrients. 

The dried pits are then moved to our state of the art facility and separated into two parts the whole shelled Apricot Seed and the outer shell of the pit.  Processing involves removal of defects or foreign material and graded to various USDA standards.  Only the highest grade seeds make it into the Nutriseeds line.  Some of the seeds are pressed into California Apricot Seed Oil (Exclusive to Nutriseeds) or Apricot Seed Meal, some are used in the manufacture of Marzipan.

California Apricot seeds are rich in nutrients such as phytochemicals, Vitamin E, Omega 3, Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin) and B15 (Pangamic Acid)  They are abundant sources of energy and contain an average of 3 grams of protein and 20 milli-grams of B17 per seed.

Seeds from California are larger, fresher, more nutrient dense and have been tested and certified to be free of pesticides and aflatoxins that are commonly associated with seeds shipped over from China or Turkey.

letter from the president of nutriseeds

          My mission over the past 25 years has been to carry on my late father’s legacy to get B-17 back into everyone’s diet. My father Dr. John A. Richardson, MD was a strong believer in treating his patients as a complete person. His holistic approach was not only to treat the symptoms of disease but to find the root causes. Over the course of his practice, he stressed the direct link between diet and his patients’ overall health. We have all heard the phrase, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Just maybe that familiar phrase came from the health benefits of
the seed.

          Over the past many years in what we call “modern medicine”, nutrition has been a side note to conventional practice. Many doctors did not practice or teach their patients about natural remedies or nutritional health benefits. In the past, unless a persona had a nutritional deficiency it was rare for conventional practices to integrate nutrition into their care plans. Just these past few months I have met many like-minded people who are guiding others all over the world in the direction of optimal health. I have been introduced to hundreds of doctors (some of which were friends of my father), nutritionists, dietitians, health advocates, heads of “orthodox” cancer clinics, as well as many of my own customers who have become friends. The insight I gained from these new and old friends is astonishing and the verifiable evidence that these individuals and researchers have found linking nutrition to many, if not all disease is undeniably promising for our future generations.

          The common theme heard amongst the bravest and most outspoken of these paradigm-shifting leaders include the same things my father championed in the 1970’s – Reducing the intake of sugar, and red meats, lowering stress, making sure we have good digestive enzymes, adding vitamins and minerals, getting lots of clean air and clean water. Today, most would add to stay away from GMO’s and gluten and eat organic and raw whenever possible to that list.

          We have been believers in a well-balanced diet and getting supplements like B17 and B15 back into our regular routine. Now doctors, nutritionists, celebrities, and many other professionals are becoming more vocal about the missing link that has been previously suppressed in healthcare.

          From our seeds to your soul, we at Nutriseeds are truly excited to be your source for the abundant, natural benefits that apricot seeds and supplements offer. We look forward to helping you begin or continue your healthcare journey.

Yours in Health,

John A. Richardson Jr.
President Nutriseeds

What our customers say about our apricot seeds

Love the medicinal benefits

"Love the medicinal benefits of B17, add to smoothies and know from the evidence that it is an important vitamin. Just easy to take everyday and get all the benefits."
Hilary George
Nutriseed Customer
Love the medicinal benefits of B17

I bought these for their anti cancer properties, but ended up loving the little seeds. I dislike bitter tastes in general and thought it would be hard for me to choke the seeds down, but to my surprise the bitter taste with a blast of apricot behind it is awesome-I actually have a weird craving for them! Who knew? It's nice that something so helpful to your body can also be enjoyable to eat. The seeds are small, easy to chew & this bag is going to last me forever so I think they are a great deal.
Richard Booth
Nutriseed Customer
Love these seeds

"I’ve been taking these seeds for a month now and the difference has been day and night. For years I’ve been feeling sluggish, tired and depressed. Ive taken many different types of supplements and none have ever made a difference. Now at the gym, I’m lifting more weight and doing more reps. I used to struggle just to finish a mile run. Now I’m easily running 2 miles effortlessly."
Jessica Hale
Nutriseed Customer
Works for Me!

"These are very bitter and smell fresh, it works for me. Been eating these occasionally, putting a few seeds in shakes. I have a cyst the size of a golf ball and occasionally have excruciating pain during my cycle but I haven't been getting them. Works for me!"
Thomas Rogers
Nutriseed Customer

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